Ah, moving. So little time, so much to do! Hopefully you're psyched about the potential of a move in 2020, but...maybe you’re not. It's no surprise that many people dread the idea of moving. The simple thought of getting your home ready, the work, money spent...and unknown can be overwhelming - maybe a little pep-talk might be helpful (or at least, perspective).

That’s what this blog is all about. After moving a ridiculous amount of times (I'm embarrassed to tell you +25 moves), I'm here for you. To have a happy move, you need to frame the situation in a way that will be positive for both you and those you love. I'm not here to tell you that the moving experience is not work, or will not cost you both energy and time - but, if you can get a handle on some potential positives...your next move can be a great way to start out a New Year. Here are 5 Reasons that moving can benefit everyone (empty nesters wanting to downsize and millennials buying their first home).

1. Moving gives you a re-set
There are not many times in life where you get a chance for a "pause" - but, a move can provide a built-in chance to take inventory. It may be an opportunity for you to begin to dream again (what did you really want to do, where should you really focus). The process of evaluating your current situation and thinking about "what might be" is always helpful. The reality is, many of us do not take the time to think or consider our "path" during the daily grind -- a move can provide just the space needed to dig-in and consider what/how we are doing "life".

2. Moving puts eyes on your junk
Hopefully not many eyes, but most importantly...your eyes! We have become experts at collecting and holding onto things, simply because we have "space" to do so (maybe we will need that some day). A move will give you an opportunity to ask some questions about things you own:
a. Is this still needed (useful) and do I really like it
b. Have I used this item (or wore this piece of clothing) recently - will I use in the future
c. Could I travel through life more "lightly" - would it be better to donate this item, sell it or give it away

3. Moving plays to the explorer in you
If you are staying in the same community or town, this point may not be as significant to your situation, but if you are moving to a new community or state - this can be amazing. We have had a chance to live in the Mid-west (Northern Indiana), North-East (Charlotte, Cary NC) and Central Ohio (Columbus) and have found with each move it brought rich experiences. There were always opportunities to explore new art galleries, new regional attractions and most importantly...restaurants. I am a big fan of eating locally and finding little diners that are tucked out of the way, or local doughnut shops that are off of the beaten path. Both my wife and I are far richer because of the places we have lived and parts of the county that have marked our lives - our moves have widened our world-view.

4. Moving can expand your circle
To expand your circle or build new friendships, takes both time and effort. We get it - we have moved to completely new cities and had to start from scratch...this is not for the weary of heart. You may find that your job or situation directs you to a completely new geography - if this is your case, embrace it. The church has played a major role in helping us find new people to hang-out with and build community. We have also found deep and meaningful relationships through the art-community, the biking community and co-workers. Many of these relationships I cherish to this day - I hear from many of my friends when OSU is playing their alma mater - mostly to talk some trash...but in reality, it's always nice to reconnect...even though we are now miles apart.

5. Finally - you can give back and serve others differently
It just happens to be "Giving Tuesday" today, but this is not why I am writing this blog -- moving does give you an opportunity to take inventory of what is important and how you might help those around you that are less fortunate. I know this point is a bit like my #1 point, but it is worthy to stand-alone and draw attention to the significance. We all live busy lives, but it is often in the opportunity to serve and give to others that may provide perspective and meaning to our current situation. A move can allow you to see things differently and begin a practice of generosity. There are a number of place to find locations to serve and give back in Central Ohio - but, the Columbus Foundation provides a number of non-profits you could serve/plug into: HERE / I love this quote from Winston Churchill: "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". This is so true and a potential move in 2020 can allow you to take inventory of how you have been living and consider being generous and giving back to your community in new ways!